Senior Solidity Smart Contracts Engineer & Auditor
Going from ERC-20 Tokens and its Exchanges, through Complex N.F.T. Projects until D.A.O.s and more; Today's dynamics require your Business
to be Integrated and up to date with the latest Decentralized Protocols using Smart Contracts Technology.
The Blockchain Industry is a Vibrating New Technology in constant Development with New Frontiers to Explore; what also means that there are new Risks and Digital Bandits waiting for the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the careless. I will help you to Protect your Project by Auditing it through a Deep and Careful Analysis both Manually and with Static Tools to Ensure that it follows the Latest Optimization and Security Best Practices and that it doesn't gets Rekt.
Do you work with an International Team or do you need your Website or text to be in both Shakespeare's and Cervantes's Languages? No problem! 1,132 Million People Worldwide are English-speaking and 534 Million speak Spanish, and I will help you and your Business to reach all of them.
Solidity Smart Contracts Engineer & Auditor
🔭 Artizen Fund Early Adopter.
⛓ Open Art Market Pioneer Solidity Smart Contracts Developer.
📊 AngelBlock Early Investor.
Hi! :) I'm Ignacio, Solidity Smart Contracts Engineer & Auditor.
🎈I think there is nothing better than a "Let's do it!"🙌🏼 attitude when
working with a good team on a project.
📈Passionate about Investments, E-Sports and Economics.
📚I am very ambitious and curious and I am continually learning new things.
Let's make something special.
See some of my last adventures...
< Open Art Market />
< Transactions Sender />
< Rentable N.F.T.s />
< ERC-20 Staking />
< N.F.T.s Staking />
< N.F.T. Pets Game />
< N.F.T. Air Drops />
< N.F.T. Marketplace on Ethereum and Polygon />
< Subscription Payment Plan in Crypto />
< Updatable Solidity Smart Contracts />
< Staking Pool for ETH2.0 />
< DeFi Wallet Integrated with Yearn Finance />
< I.C.O. in Solidity with OpenZeppelin & Truffle />
< Token Airdrop Example />
< ETH Cryptocurrency DEx />
< Vue.js Course />
< Decentralized File Storage Platform with Blockchain & I.P.F.S />
< Uncensorable Video Sharing Platform with Blockchain & I.P.F.S Storage />
< Unit Testng with Mocha & Chai />
< Blockchain Memory Game w/ERC-721 Tokens />
< Decentragram />
< DeFi Tutorial />
< Object Oriented Javascript Products WebApp />
< Material-UI Landing Page />
< Material-UI Course />
< React.js and Typescipt Tasks App />
< Typescipt Course />
< Notes App with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose />
< Mongoose Course />
< Movies Rest API Excercise with Node.js and Express.js />
< My First Webpage with Node.js and Express.js />
< Express.js Course />
< Node.js Course />
< Movie Search Web with React.js />
< Task App with React.js />
< React.js Hooks,Redux & Redux-Sagas Course />
< Random Quotes Machine />
< SASS Course />
< Smartphone Landing Page />
< Bootstrap 4 Course />